Online Learning Academy + Homeschoolers
For online learners in K through 8
Homeschooling just got easier! Purpose Prep is ready to partner with you and put time back in your day with our personalized online curriculum and academic supports. Get ready to ease your homeschooling workload (and frustrations)! Your child can now thrive in a vibrant online community, build friendships and enjoy a fun,
learning experience. It's homeschool simplified!
Personalized Education Plans
Every student has a personalized education plan, ensuring learning caters to individual strengths, interests, and goals. This plan may integrate STEAM concepts, project-based learning activities, or other approaches to best suit each student's unique path.
Daily Guided Sessions &
Independent Learning Time
Our online platform fosters a blend of structured learning and independent exploration. Learners attend interactive, guided online sessions with expert learning guides, then leverage adaptive learning software that personalizes the curriculum to their pace and needs. This combination empowers learners to become self-directed while ensuring they receive ongoing support from our expert learning guides.
Purpose-Driven Projects
Our Purpose-Driven Projects allows students to choose something they're truly interested in – it could be painting, acting, dancing, video editing, animation, etc. They get to be the boss of their own creative exploration journey, diving deeper into this topic on their own. They'll have the opportunity to share their discoveries with us in a fun way, like a presentation, a show-and-tell, or even a performance! This keeps them excited to explore new things they care about and tap into their limitless abilities.
Daily Mindfulness
We begin each day with mindfulness practices, fostering focus, emotional well-being, and a positive learning environment. This sets the stage for students to approach their studies and projects with a calm and centered mind. Online learners can log in daily to participate in our group mindfulness sessions.
STEAM & Project-Based Learning
Our online STEAM program ignites a passion for science and technology through a diverse range of interactive resources. Students tackle real-world problems with engaging activities, virtual simulations, and hands-on projects. Comprehensive lessons and multimedia materials solidify understanding, fostering a lifelong love of learning.
Learning Through Inquiry & Exploration
It all begins with an idea. That spark of inspiration, a question that lingers in your your child's mine, a problem they may want to solve – these are the seeds of the learning journey we plant at Purpose Prep Academy. Our model of allowing our learners to "Learning Through Inquiry & Exploration" peaks their curiosity and empowers them to transform their ideas into reality.
Your Child Deserves a Personalized Learning Experience
We understand the challenges of online learning. It can be demanding to manage your child's online education. That's why our Online STEAM Academy partners with you and your child. We provide the academic and enriching support you need to experience a flexible and personalized, world-class curriculum from the comfort of anywhere you choose.